Eduardo Prieto Araujo
Eduardo Prieto Araujo received the degree in industrial engineering from the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2011 and the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the UPC in 2016. He also graduated from the InnoEnergy PhD School in 2016. Currently, he is Lecturer in the Electrical Engineering Department at UPC and since 2010 he has been with CITCEA-UPC research group. During 2013, he took a four months temporary research position in Alstom Grid (UK) and during 2021 he was a visiting professor at the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA), ETH Zürich. He is a senior member of IEEE and he is currently participating in CIGRE Working groups B4.70, B4.81, B4.84 (WG secretary) and B4.85 and B4.87, all related with HVDC converters and power systems.